New Controller & Kits Drive 4 mp6 Micropumps Simultaneously

Posted by Seta Davidian on Apr 5, 2016 1:18:43 PM

Servoflo is pleased to announce the availability of new evaluation kits and a new driver board for the mp6 micropumps. The new Quad Series lets users drive up to 4 pumps simultaneously. This means that a user can design an electronics system using 1 mp6-QuadOEM to drive 4 mp6 pumps. Even more exciting, the new technology lets users increase the pumping rate of the mp6-air to up to 42 ml/min, since frequencies can be increased to 800 Hz as opposed to 300 Hz for the original mp6-oem. Pumping rates for liquids using the mp6 remains at 7 ml/min.


Here is a summary of the new items:

mp6-QuadEVA: This kit comes with the QuadEVA board, 4 pumps, mini USB cable. An air version (mp6-air-QuadEVA) is also available. 

mp6-QuadKEY: This evaluation system has a detachable mp6-QuadOEM, and uses Arduino as an interface. An air version (mp6-air-QuadKEY) is also available.

mp6-QuadOEM: New controller can be used by itself for integration into production. Parameters can be changed via I2C. 

To help understand the various performance differences between controllers, the 2 charts below describe the pumping performance for water and gas.



To fully understand the different options, we suggest you start by reviewing this tech note, Controller Overview.

Then, we also suggest reviewing the product manuals:




To get pricing on these evaluation kits, you can simply email us at or you can download the Micropump Product & Pricing Guide.

Micropump Product & Pricing Guide

Topics: Micropumps