A bill of materials, though intended to estimate project costs for production volumes, can actually distract from one of the most expensive aspects of a project — the labor required to inspect, install, and test different components. By focusing on the price tag of individual components themselves, manufacturers often overlook the additional costs of board space, sourcing from multiple distributors, calibration labor, stocking locations, and multiple purchase orders.
Alternatively, sourcing one complete sensor solution from one provider can alleviate all of these pain points while incurring lower service costs down the road. In particular, customers without explicit sensor design/calibration expertise can greatly benefit from an all-in-one solution, as it allows them to reduce both labor and overall bill of materials costs.
Partnering with the factories we represent, Servoflo supports customers anywhere along the price/performance continuum from the most basic components to modified output sensors to completely customizable turnkey sensor solutions across a wide range of industries. Depending on the factory/partner, it could be possible to add a display unit, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth capabilities. Or, adding flex to a sensor, creating packaging enclosures and custom flow paths, or integrating multiple parameters into a single sensor. It is worth the time and effort to ask: Who can best provide the required features: factory or customer?
Throughout our nearly 30 years of experience providing efficient, reliable sensor related services, we’ve handled a diverse range of projects. Below are some examples of our past work and tailored solutions.
- Creating a pressure gauge with display and enclosure
- Integrating a pressure sensor and electronics in a hybrid circuit design for better protection in high-temperature and high-humidity environments
- Eliminating installation assembly and testing by adding a flex cable to a standard board level sensor
- Customizing sensor calibration and output to meet exact customer specifications
- Designing a custom flow path in a mass flow sensor for medical equipment
- Designing custom electronics to create pressure switches, mass flow switches, and other environmental sensors
As with all of our application-specific work, these solutions helped customers simplify their bill of materials and reduce downstream maintenance costs for maximum lifetime cost efficiency.
Optimize Your Sensor Solution with Servoflo
Servoflo is proud to be a one-stop shop for reliable, industry-leading solutions tailored to your unique system requirements. By dealing with one vendor, one point of contact, and one invoice, you can greatly simplify your bill of materials and reduce overall costs.
To discuss a custom sensor solution based on your specific needs, contact Servoflo today.